Bills Specifically about Bicycling
Senate Bill 130 for bicycle traffic lights. Still waiting the Governor's signature.
The Staff has identified potential stakeholders who could be included in the review committee:There is evidence that the costs of transportation may be increasingly important. A Coldwell Banker survey of agents recently concluded
a. Marion and Polk Counties Homebuilders Association
b. Salem Association of Realtors
c. A neighborhood association chair or land use chair
d. Salem-Keizer Community Development Corporation
e. Social Services Agencies involved with community housing needs
The high cost of gasoline is not just emptying wallets; it is also impacting where consumers choose to buy a home. According to a new Coldwell Banker survey among its network of real estate professionals, 75 percent said that the recent spike in gas prices has influenced their clients’ decisions on where to live, and 93 percent said if gas prices continue to rise, more home buyers will choose to live somewhere that allows for a closer commute to their work.Suburban areas without nearby employment centers are increasingly at a disadvantage because of increasing transportation costs. Equally, inner city areas that have retained employment centers and walkable neighborhoods with clusters of essential commerce are increasingly attractive.
Streetlighting is paid 100% with gas tax funds. The City’s electric bill for street lights is currently covered by $1.2M of gas tax revenues. Public Works wants to move this funding off of gas tax to another revenue stream. If the source of funding was different, gas tax revenues could be freed up for other projects and less General Fund money would be needed to support street maintenance.Wouldn't it be great to be able to spend more on maintaining existing capacity and using it more wisely - wouldn't that be more sustainable! - than expanding capacity?
You know you've seen the billboards and street corner prophets championing the coming Rapture on May 21, 2011. In honor of such a momentous occasion, we thought tipping back a few frothy pints snuggled deep within the verdant Willamette Valley on a nice spring day would be a fitting vantage for us to watch the tide break over the world...or not.
Either way, we won't have wasted any time, so join us for the Beer'd Ride, Saturday May 21st to honor the beer and the beard, both of which seem to frame most true wisdom throughout the centuries. We will be meeting at Santiam Bicycle at 10am and riding from there, so bring your skinny tires.
SALEM – The Oregon Transportation Commission approved $15.9 million in Transportation Enhancement funding for 14 new projects throughout Oregon. The projects, selected from 100 applications requesting almost $107 million, will become part of Oregon’s Statewide Transportation Improvement Program and will be scheduled for construction in 2013 and 2014. The Commission also approved four projects for the reserve list. These projects remain eligible for funding, subject to Commission approval and available funds.
The Oregon Garden is an 80-acre botanical showplace, Oregon's premier public garden with thousands of plants set in 20 specialty gardens. The ride starts and finishes on the Garden grounds for a delightful breakfast start and a gourmet dinner at the finish line featuring Hopworks beer and live music.
The routes take you along Oregon's quiet rural roads, past Willamette Valley wineries, to Silver Falls, through vibrant blooming fields of flowers and on a journey that will make you fall in love with Oregon.
Join us for a fully-supported tour of the Willamette Valley, beginning at Willamette Mission State Park. Choose from a 31-mile route, 62-mile route or the family fun ride and walk. Proceeds benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Salem, Marion and Polk Counties.
"Bike Oregon Wine Country" is a fully supported ride that takes cyclist through the scenic Eola Hills and Mid-Willamette Valley Wine Country. Surrounded by lush vineyards and picturesque countryside, the various routes offer both short and long loops, which range between 45 to 70 miles. Day rides leave every Sunday in August.
Unsafe operation of bicycle on sidewalk; penalty.According to the article, the person on bike "was cited for unsafe operation of a bicycle on a sidewalk." We don't know exactly what happened and speculation should not get too far out in front of the facts.
(1) A person commits the offense of unsafe operation of a bicycle on a sidewalk if the person does any of the following:
(a) Operates the bicycle so as to suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and move into the path of a vehicle that is so close as to constitute an immediate hazard....[or]
(d) Operates the bicycle at a speed greater than an ordinary walk when approaching or entering a crosswalk, approaching or crossing a driveway or crossing a curb cut or pedestrian ramp and a motor vehicle is approaching the crosswalk, driveway, curb cut or pedestrian ramp.
We are in a situation with these Lloyd projects (and to some extent the Williams project), where the lofty rhetoric and goals adopted in our much-heralded Bicycle Plan for 2030 are at risk of becoming irrelevant.If Portland struggles with its Bike Plan, how much more will Salem struggle? And as little as Salem wants to "be like Portland," surely there are some lessons here.
Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a cooperative agreementwith the United States Geological Survey (USGS) to receive funds to help offset the cost of acquisition of high-resolution digital imagery....This cooperative agreement (Attachment 1**) allows for a federal assistance payment up to $55,000 to be made to the City of Salem by the USGS in exchange for high-resolution orthophotography of the Salem area (see letter of commitment, Attachment 2). The City periodically updates these images (every three to five years) by contracting with a company that performs this fly-over data acquisition.The level of detail is spy-level nuts:
Ground Resolution (pixel size) shall be 6 inches for the Salem Urban Area and 1 foot for the expanded boundary. The natural color source photography needs to be of sufficient quality and resolution to support production of digital orthorectified images to this specification.
Though they haven't broken ground yet, plans remain conceptual still, and the prospect of tariffs and deportations with anti-immigrant s...