Back in the fall of 2008, Northeast Neighbors asked the City to consider a median and crosswalk at 17th and Chemeketa.
Yesterday a person in a car hit a blind man walking in that crosswalk and pedestrian median. John Dashney, the injured man, was one of the very people for whom the median and crosswalk had been proposed and installed.
Just how useful are concrete mitigations applied to roads that remain fundamentally engineered for car through-put?
The big construction activity downtown this week are the new bulb-outs going in on Court Street. Here's one in front of the Capitol.
As as person on foot, I would say I like the bulb outs somewhat.
But as a person on bike I loathe them. At intersections they constrain greatly my ability to position myself flexibly and safely - sometimes I want to take the lane, sometimes I want to scoot to the margin, but always I want situational flexibility to adjust to local conditions and even to adjust to the vibe of individual drivers I might encounter. Bulb-outs take this away.
Kidical Mass welcomes spring with ride for all ages
20 hours ago