The Technical Advisory Committee for our Metropolitan Planning Organization meets tomorrow, Tuesday the 12th, and there are some things to note in passing. They are also meeting at Courthouse Square rather than the MPO offices.
The committee is continuing work on vetting projects for a slice of funding from the 2018-2023 cycle:
SKATS received eight applications for consideration for funding in the
latest update to the FY 2018-2023 TIP with requests totaling
approximately $9.3 million. Approximately $5.5 million is available, so
the projects will need to be prioritized to determine which projects (or
partial projects) to fund.
In the minutes from last month about some of these projects:
[On Brown Road] new federal ROW
regulations are responsible for the increase in ROW costs...[which therefore] are significantly higher than originally anticipated....
[T]he Center Street project is Marion’s County’s highest priority of their projects submitted for
funding. [MPO staff] asked if the Connecticut Avenue project is highly ranked as a Safe Routes
to Schools (SRTS) project. [County Staff] responded that she believes the project has a pretty high
SRTS ranking. Concerns related to the Connecticut Avenue project include how to address
ADA (Americans with Disability Act) issues....
[T]he city of Keizer is unsure of its vision for Wheatland Road and has
revised their project application. [Keizer staff] passed out a new application. The city would like to do a
concept corridor plan with public outreach to determine the direction for Wheatland Road
The current agenda packet includes the first pass at scoring the projects:
First round of scoring |
Completion funding for Brown Road leads the pack. In second place is the Center Street project, but the County Staff response that "she believes the project has a pretty high
SRTS ranking" doesn't actually sound very confident at all. Do we actually have a SR2S plan that ranks County projects? Or is this just sales talk and BS? Additionally, there are real questions about the Center Street project's proposed design elements, which seem squarely autoist at the moment.
The bottom three look quite reasonable. Keizer is confused about Wheatland Road; it's hard to see regional significance for a Turner project; and the Orchard Heights thing is over-ambitious, a little messy, and remains a "tier 3" priority in the TSP.
Given the projects that were submitted (so, that is to say we might wish different projects were submitted, but we're looking only at what was submitted), the scoring looks like it's heading in the right direction.