The number of bills with the word "bicycle" doubled this week, from five to ten!
In new business:
The BTA requested a separate bill,
Senate Bill 292, for the increase in funding for bicycle paths from 1% to
1.5% 2%. [
Note that this asks for a half-percent more than the Governor's bill, HB 2120!]
The BTA also requested a bill,
Senate Bill 291, on requiring additional accident reporting when a bicyclist or pedestrian is involved.
The BTA requested a separate bill on school siting,
Senate Bill 276, which will require any "school district to consider effect of school site selection on transportation costs to school district and to families of school children." The language of "transportation costs" is
not in HB2106. Moreover, HB 2106 amends bonding rules (in ORS 332.176) and provides funding for safety projects; SB 276 amends school siting rules (ORS 195.110). These bills could be complimentary.
Finally, the BTA requested a bill to enhance driver education,
Senate Bill 267.
Here are pdfs of the bills and current locations: Senate Bill 267. It was referred to Business and Transportation, then Ways and Means.
Senate Bill 276. Referred to Education and General Government.
Senate Bill 291. Referred to Judiciary.
Senate Bill 292. Referred to Business and Transportation, then Ways and Means.
Previously Introduced:
House Bill 2106, which contains the school siting language. It was referred to the Revenue Committee.
House Bill 2120, the Governor's big "Jobs & Transportation Act," which contains several small bikey pieces in addition to the bicycle funding increase to 1.5% of the State Highway Fund. This was referred to Transportation with subsequent referral to Revenue, then Ways and Means, where it now sits.