On of the Vision 2020 projects is to update and improve the directional signing along Chemeketa Street and the Union St. RR Bridge. The signs are now going up, and it's great to see the project approach the finish line! The project was made possible by a combination of funding principally from the City of Salem, from ODOT, and from the Downtown-Riverfront Urban Renewal Area. Special thanks to Julie Warncke and Kevin Hottman with the city and Rodger Gutierrez with ODOT!

Here's an example of an old sign. There were a couple of these along Court Street, and the group wanted to eliminate these and, among other things, bring the signage into conformance with the Salem-Keizer Bike Map.

And here's an example of the new sign. This is going west-bound on Chemeketa just as you approach the Capitol Mall. Chemeketa goes under, and into the parking garage, and bicyclists should stay above ground. The signing shows the veer into the turn-around.

On the other side of the turn-around are the two bathrooms, and signs have been erected on the sides of the bathroom instructing bicyclists to avoid the center area into which the bathroom doors open. Alex Phillips and Jim Bader from State Parks were especially helpful in arranging to remove some shrubbery and to grind down the curb so there was a good bikeway around the bathrooms.

Here's the sign going east-bound at 14th and Chemeketa. Hopefully that jog can be widened and straightened out to make the crossing at 14th easier and more straight-forward.

And here's the sign directing bikes from 24th (via State Street) onto Chemeketa.
On a sunny day we'll get more photos of the signs and especially the set on and near the bridge!
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