Monday, March 22, 2010

City Council Tonight

City council meets tonight, and as on the 8th, there are no large agenda items with specific bicycle implications, though there are a number of smaller things that may or may not impact bicycling in Salem.

Perhaps the most interesting are the responses of applicants for the Planning Commission. 8 applicants answered 5 questions about Salem planning, including, "How do you define 'reduce the reliance on automobiles' as it relates to planning?" Check 'em out!

There's additional information on the TGM grant proposal to manage parking in the developing Edgewater and Broadway districts.

The City is moving forward on selling the plot on the Pringle Parkway, which was before Council in November.

In no small part because of the mild winter, the Union St. Railroad Bridge is on schedule for a mid-May re-opening!

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