Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Holiday B on B Schedule; other Newsbits

Just a reminder: No B on B in November or December! The last Fridays fall inconveniently with the holidays.

(We may also take off January and February. You may recall the on-and-off again weather during the winter last year that made scheduling especially difficult! The cold and inclement weather, we've observed, also makes people less inclined to stop for coffee; we all just want to get to our destinations!)

Please enjoy the time with Friends and Family. And as you do your holiday shopping and feasting, please remember our sponsors, who care about sustainable transportation.

Remember the Governor's Cup Coffee Roasters

And Cascade Baking Company

And LifeSource Natural Foods.

Replacing Sharrows on Chemeketa

Over the summer you may have noticed the sewer work downtown. One of the casualties of the trenching and repaving was the network of sharrow markings.

With the crappy weather comes a shift in the ways public works crews are assigned. They turn to signing and striping.

Hopefully the sharrows can get replaced soon! When the sharrows are frequent, I notice car drivers are more patient about sharing; but when they are few, I have noticed less patience.

CATC Openings

The Citizens Advisory Traffic Commission has three openings. If you would like to get involved in advocacy, here's an opportunity!

It's also an opportunity for a more activist commission. You can see the list of agendas and meetings here, and it lists only two meetings in 2011, two in 2010, one in 2009, and so on. I believe this count understates the actual frequency of meeting, but the pattern seems clear: It doesn't meet very often.

The group meets "as needed" but given the mono-modality of thinking about traffic in Salem, there's a tremendous opportunity for someone who wants to expand the oversight of the commission. Notably, they have not been involved much in the Bike and Walk Salem project. On the bond projects they haven't exercised much oversight, either. So it's not hard to conclude the commission is an underused resource! So get after it!

Application and other info here.

Court and State Street Rebuild 2012

Speaking of the bond measure, the Northeast Neighbors neighborhood association has posted a map with the curb extensions and ramps scheduled for the summer of 2012 on Court and State Streets.

Especially welcome will be opening the east-side crosswalk on State and Winter. Hopefully the striping plan will work to obviate the risk of right-hooks here.

Wandering Aengus Offers 10% Discount for Biking

This is great! I don't know if they're the first to do it, but they're the first I've seen. Wandering Aengus recently moved from the Eola Hills to the Fairview Industrial Park. And they offer a discount for using sustainable transportation!

From the website, the tasting room is open:
Thursdays and Fridays 3pm to 8pm
Saturdays and Sundays 12pm to 8pm
$5 tasting fee

Second and Third Thursday night of the Month, Guest Winery, Brewery or Cidery Night.
10% off tasting and purchases for biking, walking, skating, running or busing in.

Closed Thanksgiving Day
Closed Christmas Eve through January 8

4070 Fairview Industrial Rd SE
Salem, OR 97302
James participated in several Kidical Mass rides and bikes regularly. So when you visit, say "thanks!"

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