Like last year, they aren't obviously marketing the bike parking with a discount or anything. That's a drag - and not very green. But biking's still easier than messing with the car traffic and parking!
Here's a map with the bike parking on 17th street. Be sure to bring your own lock!

Salem Bicycle Club's Novice Ride
An "outdoors best bet," the bike club's novice ride is on Saturday!
A short ride of around 10 miles, and aimed at practicing and learning new skills on super low-traffic roads, it starts at 2:30pm at Ankeny Wildlife Refuge.
This ride is a slow-paced ride on low-traffic roads for novice cyclists. The ride starts at the seasonal wildlife viewing blind on Wintel Rd, 0.1 mile west of the Marlatt Rd intersection.
Sunday Parkways, Hawthorne Street Fair, Cargo Bike Roll Call.... just sayin'!
We'll get there!
Yep. Our Subaru will get us there.
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