Sunday, December 9, 2012

City Council, December 10th

There's the second reading of Bike and Walk Salem, which I think is largely a formality, now that the hearing is closed. Mayor Peterson and Councilor Clem did vote "no" on it, as a commenter suggested and the minutes now confirm, and presumably they will do so again as it doesn't matter.

After that it's mostly interesting tidbits.

An information report on an approved subdivision request shows the network of private streets at the Simpson Hills Fairview development (Fairview III?).

These seem like glorified parking lot connections, and you wonder what might have been if they had been treated as actual, public streets. 

The latest version shows private streets
I mean, there's something of a grid there.

Is it really all that different from old version?  Maybe a little.
It is, in truth, an improvement on the loops in the old version, but - it could have been so much more! 

There's an appeal on a proposed giant apartment complex way out south.  The neighborhood association would like it to be single-family, not apartments.  But either way, it won't be in a walkable neighborhood, too far from stores and other businesses to be anything other than car-dependent, so without really digging in, it's hard to know if there's anything constructive to say.  (If you know more, please comment!)

There's an annexation also out south that may not go to the ballot and vote because it involves a failed water supply and therefore is an emergency - something Council action alone can authorize. 

Some new CATC appointments. Ellen Miller's position, dormant lately, will be filled.  Kenji, Jen, and Curt are remaining on the traffic advisory committee.

As Church Street necks down, it still seems to operate ok
And with the closure of the SJ printing plant, Cherriots wants to expand the bus mall and take some of the angle parking on the east side of Church Street.  While the buses would be in the parking strip only, their weaving will somewhat occlude the traffic lane, and it seems like this is just another piece of very physical evidence that we don't need to devote three full traffic lanes to autos, and that there's ample room on Church Street for a cycle track or other robust and protected traffic lane for people who want to bike in or through downtown. 

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