On the Council agenda for Monday is the announcement of the next Third Bridge work session. Council has moved the meeting to nearer the Highland neighborhood, and to an area and building that shows off the kernel of a walkable commercial district. This is streetcar logic!
And despite some concerns about this site, it may be a propitious location to think better about non-auto mobility. There's also a field trip scheduled for before the meeting. (More to come on that, surely.)
There probably won't be a grill
but hopefully more open-minded discussion |
Interesting also is talk about a proposed fee for street lights.
Work Sessions
Salem River Crossing – To be held at Broadway Commons, 1300 Broadway Street NE, Magnolia Room #305 ~ Tuesday, February 19, Field Trip: 3:30 p.m. and Work Session 5:30 p.m.
Parking Task Force ~ Tentative: Monday, April 8, 5:30 p.m.
Proposed Fee for Transportation Funding – Street Light Fee
Monday, 5:30 p.m. – Library Anderson Rooms
Infrastructure and Funding
The Urban Renewal Agency has
a report on Urban Renewal financial impacts. This year the urban renewal districts in Salem will cost other entities like Chemeketa, the Salem-Keizer School District, Marion County, and Cherriots a total of $9,110,927. It would be so very interesting to have an impartial review of the URAs. As talk about closing the Pringle Creek URA suggests, it is not clear the urban renewal districts are actually adding value above and beyond inflation. At the same time, the kinds of projects the agency is funding are very different from those projects in the 70s and 80s.
a project to add to the System Development Charges eligible list. A third bridge should be added to it! If the current developments in West Salem serve as a baseline for a bridge system that is still functional, if occasionally irritating, new development above and beyond this baseline should bear the cost of the bridge. Isn't that the idea behind SDCs? But our current system externalizes this cost.
Proposed Front St Ramp and Parcel |
Back in mid-January, No 3rd Bridge advocates argued at Council that
parts of Riverfront Park should not be transferred from the Urban Renewal Agency to the City of Salem proper.
The matter is
back at Council. Staff argue that
None of the Willamette River crossing alternatives being considered by the City Council envision using the subject Parcel.
The point of the No 3rd Bridge team is that a lower-build cluster of recommendations from the Bridgehead Study should be implemented first. These are, as the staff report dances around, not formally part of any build alternative being analyzed in the draft Environmental Impact Statement. The staff report also says that bioswales are planned for this parcel.
For people who bike, the proposal by No 3rd Bridge should occasion some pause. The free-flowing off-ramp to Front Street would eliminate the multi-use path on the Center Street Bridge, a separated facility that isn't very good, but yet provides the most direct access to Edgwater and points significantly west of Wallace Road. Even after the Union St. Railroad Bridge was opened, half of those who biked previously on the Center St. Bridge continued to do so, even with the much prettier railroad bridge connection.
Still, the big picture goal is to kill the big bridge, and until we have success there, this potential disagreement over detials is a nit. If a free-flow off-ramp is a good idea or necessary, there might be ways to reconfigure biking connections to Edgewater that would represent an improvement on the current path.