Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Talk on Eight Steps to a Walkable, Wealthier, Healthier City at Lunch Today

If you're not at the Active Transportation Summit, don't forget about Jeffrey Tumlin's lunchtime talk on walkable communities..

Today, Wednesday, April 24 from 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm in the library in Loucks Auditorium, Tumlin will lecture on "Eight Steps to a Walkable, Wealthier, Healthier City."

He's on a lecture circuit sponsored by the Oregon Chapter of the American Planning Association.

Tumlin is the author of Sustainable Transportation Planning: Tools for Creating Healthy, Vibrant and Resilient Communities and he will "demystify complex transportation planning concepts and discuss how advocates of sustainable communities can contribute more effectively to transportation decision-making."

It's a lecture and brown bag lunch just across the street from City Hall. Hopefully electeds, city staff, health care professionals, and other interested citizens will attend.

Yesterday's Headline about School Cuts
In light of ignorance or convenient forgetting about the costs (including the opportunity costs of not doing other things, like investing in better education, public health, nutrition, safety, and exercise, because we can't afford them) of building a giant bridge and highway costing hundreds of millions, the talk is especially relevant just now.

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