Could we just get these editorials to talk to each other?
You know, like "connect the dots..."
Today |
From the editorial:
The transportation sector accounts for 36 percent of Oregon’s greenhouse emissions.
Could equal or greater reductions be achieved by less-intrusive measures? Traffic congestion, and the resulting emissions, might be cut significantly by encouraging state agencies and other employers to further stagger their office hours and work shifts, so employees avoid rush hours.
And let’s face it: Despite years of prodding, most Oregonians have yet to join carpools. Neither have organizations made the switch to virtual meetings, which would reduce travel. It’s ludicrous that people usually testify in person during legislative hearings instead of via video....
In short, of all the ways to reduce greenhouse emissions in Oregon, is the low-carbon fuel standard the most cost-efficient and effective? [italics added]
Of all the ways to reduce greenhouse emissions and congestion in Salem, is the Third Bridge the most cost-efficient and effective? Could equal or greater reductions be achieved by less-intrusive measures?
Going vegan is the easiest way for folks to reduce their carbon footprint!
The State doesn't charge enough for its parking in Salem. Their support for biking is weak and they don't subsidize transit use. Finally the y place alot of offices in auto-centric locations. So public employees don't have enough incentive to find another way to get to work.
Finally, if Salem and Keizer got their act together and made living here more enticing, a lot of the people who commute from Portland would see our area as a place just as interesting and exciting as Portland.
Could they have parking lots outside of downtown and extra busses that run only during rush hour?
Re: going vegan
Slate has a piece on new US dietary recommendations -
'“Current evidence shows that the average U.S. diet has a larger environmental impact in terms of increased [greenhouse gas] emissions, land use, water use, and energy use,” reads the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee report. “This is because the current U.S. population intake of animal-based foods is higher and plant-based foods are lower.” The chapter goes on to conclude that Americans should eat a diet that “is higher in plant-based foods” and “lower in animal-based foods.” Translation: Eat less meat.'
So that would be interesting if it became an official part of the food plate or food pyramid or whatever graphic they concoct!
In any case, I doubt that large numbers of people will go vegan, but a large-scale reduction in the amount and frequency of meat-eating is certainly possible.
But the concept of eating less meat probably will continue to gain traction.
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