Thursday, December 8, 2016

Don't Forget, Take Sneckdown Pictures in the Snow!

Never let a good snow storm go to waste!

As you're out and about, or if you have a view from above, look for intersections and lanes with intact zones of snow. Those are "sneckdowns," temporary curb extensions and lane narrowings caused by the snow, and evidence of surplus width or other area in the roadway.

The zones with snow could become bike lanes, wider sidewalks, pedestrian medians or other road space reallocated for users other than those in cars. They are evidence for ways we have overengineered and overdesigned roadways for car travel and too-high speeds.

Here are a couple this morning from the City traffic cameras.

Broadway at Market (see The Hub!)

Commercial at Keubler
Take pictures and post them to social media! Later we can use them to build cases for better designs for walking and biking.

Court and High from Courthouse square - via Twitter

Here's one from an SJ video clip. The Commercial-Vista Corridor study already plans for both of these, buffered bike lanes and narrower auto travel lanes.

South Commercial just north of Madrona

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