While the Salem River Crossing Consultant Employment and Paper-generation Act continues to blow $60,000 a month (maybe more with the legal expenses for defending the City at LUBA!), Cherriots Trip Choice is currently funded with peanuts at 2.7 FTE annually.
The disparity here is a sign of institutionalized neglect. While we give lip service to reducing drive-alone trips and making it easy to move around with city in other ways, we don't actually fund programming that will enact these values with statistically significant shifts in aggregate Salem area travel. We give Cherriots duct tape and bailing wire for the Trip Choice program. We fund them to be a symbolic, feel-good side show.
One of the central claims in
the appeal at LUBA on the SRC is that before highway expansion, the City and region are required to undertake less expensive transportation management practices first. These they have not done in a serious way. (See long discussions
here, and
Cherriots Trip Choice, responsible for the whole Yamhill-Polk-Marion County area, gets its funding through our MPO, and so it is a collective regional decision to leave it at 2.7 FTE (it has seemed to average around $200,000 a year, though it may be bumping up to $300,000 - that's the whole cost of
the crosswalk proposed for 22nd at the City shops!) and to allocate resources to the SRC and to other highway and road expansion projects. Instead of improving mobility through increased travel choice and by taking cars off the road, our primary strategy remains to widen, to add cars to the road, and to dig in on drive-alone trips as the default, preferred choice.
By comparison,
the City of Eugene's own Smart Trips program has three staff people: A Transportation Options Coordinator, Smart Trips Eugene Coordinator, Eugene Sunday Streets Coordinator. They also have two bike/ped planners.
Portland's group is considerably larger, of course.
At least until Salem decides to commit to one in-house, Cherriots Trip Choice is what we got. (And this is a program that still might make more sense at the regional, MPO level rather than the level of an individual city.)
So it was interesting to see earlier this week at the MPO Technical Advisory Committee meeting an agenda item for a 2017 - 2019 work plan for Cherriots Trip Choice. You may recall
they completed a strategic plan a couple years back and, in addition to changing the name from Ride Share to Trip Choice, they are in the process of implementing the plan. (The Work Plan is
last in the full meeting packet - you'll have to download it.)
Intro to the work plan |