Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Here we go Again? Forecasts for 110 Degrees Lead into CAP Committee on Monday

The National Weather Service is forecasting a legit chance at 110 degree heat for this weekend.

Forecasting a chance of 110 degree heat

The official forecasts at the center of probability are still closer to 100 degrees, but there's a real chance for more. Plenty of events with a 1/3 chance of happening still and routinely happen.

Front page today

The paper is leading with the higher number.

Story continuation

But they don't connect the event, the instance of weather, with climate. Any remembering will be as a discrete event in lore, and not as any deliberate understanding and analysis of the pattern and systems in climate change.

The disconnect here in local coverage on climate is weird. The paper consistently picks up other climate stories.

Interior page, today

And a couple days ago.

A couple days ago

But these are always picked up off other news outlets, and our local coverage doesn't integrate climate much at all, sometimes seemingly ignoring it.

Here's a couple more stories from front pages elsewhere.

LA Times, front page today

Washington Post, front page today

The Climate Action Plan Committee meets next week on Monday the 8th.

July 8th agenda

They'll be talking about the TSP updates and a "climate lens."

Strategies TL01, TL19, and EN01

All of these rate "low" for GHG reduction potential. They aren't unimportant, but it would be nice to see more action on items rated "high." We're still focusing on the provision of options and the writing of plans, on theoretical potential, and not focusing enough on actually reducing driving. (As opposed to symbolic gestures on idling!) The "lens" concept also seems empty, considering the recent airport expansion. It would not have been difficult to consider climate in that decision, but it was willfully ignored for the boosterism.

It will be interesting to learn more about the prospects for a solar installation at the airport, but that's not included in the meeting packet.

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