Please join us for the following agenda items, and any additional topics that you would like to bring to the table:
Cyclocross event in West Salem
Sustainable Cities Initiative
Salem Parks Connectivity
Kroc Center Connectivity
Breakfast on Bikes
Wallace Road bike/ped bridge
Publicity planning
One thing not on the agenda, and likely too early to discuss meaningfully is the new media agency. You may have seen on the BTA-HQ blog that North was just named a "partner" with the BTA to build out "a brand platform that connects with both cyclists and the community at large."
Is it fair to peg a media & branding agency because of a rock star? In the case of North, it just might be.
North, it happens, is the current incarnation of one of Dave Allen's projects. Allen, you may recall, was the bassist for Gang of Four. Later he worked for Intel as a sort of digital media anthropologist, still blogs at Pampelmoose on music and social media, and has had branding agencies Nemo and now North.
The guy's fascinating!
While a "brand platform" sounds awfully corporate, Allen's a creative traveler between the corporate and indie worlds.
Apparently North also cut a version of the People for Bikes "If I Ride" video:
If I Ride from NORTH on Vimeo.
The differences between it and the People for Bikes Version are interesting:
It will be exciting to watch this development unfold.
If you are a member of the BTA, are interested in the BTA, or would just like to make Salem a better place to bike, please join us!
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