Tuesday, April 16, 2019

CANDO to Hear about YMCA and UGM Plans Tonight

As the IKE Box seeks to raise $1.5 million, there are also capital campaigns for the YMCA, the Union Gospel Mission, and the Center for Hope & Safety. There might be others, too.

Some of the initial goals and plans have already been scaled back.

Is there really this much potential philanthropic wealth sloshing around the pockets and bags of the Salem gentry? Will all these projects find patrons and be completed?

Front page today
CANDO meets this evening, and while they won't directly be talking about the prospects for completing all these capital campaigns, the question lurks in the background.

They'll be getting updates on two important projects, the YMCA campaign and the UGM campaign.

The YMCA project has already had recent coverage in the paper, but the UGM project has not, and the agenda suggests it also is changing. So there might be new things especially to learn about the UGM plan.

CANDO meets today, Tuesday the 16th, at 6:00 p.m. at First Christian Church on 685 Marion Street NE.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If we adopt a spirit of abundance (rather than scarcity) great things are possible. It's how so many great things have already happened. Believe. :-)