Friday, October 6, 2023

A Toast to Roger Hull's Historic Preservation Work

Terrible news this evening from Hallie Ford Museum of Art. When they are celebrating their 25th anniversary, they must also mourn.

via FB

This evening they announced the passing of Professor Emeritus Roger Hull. There will be plenty to say from the art world in encomia. 

What may get less attention is Hull's work for historic preservation and on Salem's history. Here are a few moments.

He wrote the Court Street Chemeketa Street Historic District Nomination.

Court-Chemeketa HD, written by Hull

He was active in conversation about the loss of old, historic homes on the Capitol Mall.

September 11th, 1994

He worked to keep the IOOF Grand Theater in the face of Cherriots' interest in demolishing it for a transit center.

November 1st, 1994

In a large series on preservation and loss, he was the lead quote.

December 24th, 2000

And he assisted on the Downtown Historic District Nomination.

Downtown HD, with assistance by Hull

Hull played a central role in our current understanding of, and scheme for, historic preservation. All of us today who have an interest in it rely on, and sometimes debate with, work he developed.

A toast this evening to the memory of Roger Hull.

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