So it's a good time to contemplate improvements for safety.
This is old news, but back on March 23rd, Council and Staff advanced concepts for a suite of projects funded by ODOT's All Roads Transportation Safety Program. Prior to the meeting the proposed project list wasn't available, but here it is (the order has been altered slightly, the text is very lightly edited, and the photos are added).
You may recognize some projects from the Commercial-Vista Corridor Study. Other projects have been discussed in Bike and Walk Salem, the Sustainable Cities Initiative, and neighborhood association meetings. The projects are nearly all adjacent to important destinations - shopping, parks, the hospital, and schools. At least as far as the bike/ped stuff goes, it's a small but solid list.
The early word was that there would be about $1 million for ODOT Region 2 in bike/ped projects, and that would fund about 20 pedestrian medians. There are 10 counties and their cities in Region 2, and so it is hard to say how many of Salem's candidates are likely to be funded. The time-line calls for a 300% long list at this moment, so it could mean that Salemites should expect only 1/3 of these to get funded.
The relevant funding cycle would commence in 2017, it looks like, and construction wouldn't be likely to start any sooner. Most projects would formally be in the 2018-2021 STIP. Field evaluation is going on now and the final, funded project lists will be announced in March 2016. Then this final list of projects gets folded into the STIP process.
Staff is preparing applications to fund selected safety countermeasures at the locations listed below.
Marion and Center Streets NE (12th to 17th Streets NE)
- Install Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacon at intersection of 13th and Marion Streets NE [at Safeway, discussed at NEN]
- Install pedestrian crossing median and crosswalk west of 17th Street NE, just westerly of Wyatt Court NE [serves bus stops near the Wilson House]
A flashing beacon and crosswalk right here Fred Meyers on South Commercial at bus stops |
- Install pedestrian crossing medians with crosswalks and Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons in two locations:
- Opposite Fred Meyers, near transit stops
- Near intersection with Waldo Street SE
- Infill street lighting and enhance lighting at pedestrian crossings
- Narrow travel lanes to 11 feet (City standard) and add 1-2 foot “buffer” for bike lanes
- Install pedestrian crossing median on Sunnyview NE east of Lancaster Drive NE for improved pedestrian access to McKay High School
- Extend curbs on Jones Road SE to enhance student safety at Judson Middle School
- Modify approach to Bush Park to accommodate pedestrians and bicycles
- Install bike signal for northbound bicyclists