other bloggers and
history entrepreneurs have pointed out, there used to be a big brewery downtown where the "sculpture garden" is today.
You know what the "sculpture garden" really needs?
A beer fountain for thirsty Salemites!*
(Janky composite with an assist: Salem Library Historic Photo) |
And that was right next to the city's biggest hotel and on the same block as the armory. Before zoning, things were a jumble.
How to manage industrial development is the topic this week of "
Looking Forward," the update to the neighborhood plan for
NEN and
SESNA neighborhood associations.
West Salem - Monday
But that's on Tuesday. First up, tonight on Monday, is the West Salem Neighborhood meeting.
There's what looks like a small street matter on a new development - "
2825 Brush College Road NW Revised Notice of Filing – Street Layout Revision" - otherwise the agenda has the usual items.
But of course what is interesting is the perennial
question for new development on the edges of West Salem: How is it that
the development gets to proceed unchecked if that same development is
what is driving the "need" for a billion dollar giant bridge and highway
and most crucially gets to offload the cost for that bridge onto
everyone else?
Both candidates
for City Council in Ward 8 support the third bridge - and support
asking everybody else to subsidize it. While Polk County is eliminating
Sheriff patrols and emergency response, is building a giant bridge and
highway really where community priorities should be?
Count 'em! A bridge will cost at least ten Courthouse Squares |
(And even if you are committed to your car, here's why you should care: The cost of the bridge is at least
ten times
the cost of Courthouse Square or of a new Police Station/Civic Center upgrade. Imagine,
demolishing the Derby building, constructing and then repairing
Courthouse Square - and then rinse and repeat ten times! That's the order of magnitude here.)
If you live in West Salem and aren't involved in the neighborhood association, it's a great time to get involved!
West Salem Neighborhood Association meeting is at Roth’s West, Mezzanine level, at
1130 Wallace Rd NW on Monday, April 7th at 7pm.
(Also, remember the Cherriots meeting about
improving service in West Salem! That meeting is also at Roth’s West at
1130 Wallace Rd NW on Wednesday, April 9th from 5-7 p.m.)
Looking Forward, NEN-SESNA - Tuesday
Back to industry, one way to think about this kind of development is to think about breweries and the activity they attract and generate.
Santiam Brewing on McGilchrist in an industrial park |
Right now there's a strong clustering of Salem's nascent craft brewing industry in
SESNA's industrial parks.
Gilgamesh (just outside of SESNA),
Santiam, and
Salem Ale Works are all pretty close together. Since the breweries don't have kitchens, food carts have found customers. But the railroad and other roads create barriers and it is very difficult to walk or drive to these places. Chemical or polluting scents and sights may also act as a brake on food consumption and lingering. Industrial areas aren't places to relax and hang out.
But not all industry is wholly incompatible with residential areas.