Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Speeding is the Baseline in Congestion Analysis: At the MPO

The Policy Committee for our Metropolitan Planning Organization, SKATS, meets today the 23rd at noon, and there are just a couple of short notes here.

Earlier this month, SJ and NY Times

The technical committee, you may recall, started the conversation about priority areas in the next short-term plan for 2027-2032.

Completion, Safety, and Climate Friendly rules

They identified finishing projects with completion funding, more focus on safety, and better alignment with the current planning effort for climate-friendly areas.

In the discussion of congestion for the Policy Committee, they also conceded that the baseline in analysis of congestion is speeding, that the "free flow" conditions against which delay, slowing, and congestion are measured assume travel above posted speeds.

Recognition that the baseline is speeding

This is good, but it's still framed up as just something small to consider in the analysis, a minor detail that doesn't really affect the larger picture, and not any fatal flaw in the whole paradigm of congestion relief. So there's still a ways to go in highlighting the contradiction and incoherence between a safety paradigm that calls for slower speeds and a congestion relief paradigm that calls for higher speeds.

The Policy Committee meets at noon today, Tuesday the 23rd. The agenda and meeting packet is at the calendar item.

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