Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Marion County to Hold Open House on Draft Transportation System Plan - Updated

Marion County has been working to update the 2005 Rural Transportation System Plan and tomorrow there's an open house on it.

From the email announcement:
Marion County will hold an open house for citizen review of the Rural Transportation System Plan (TSP) and the Strategy for Marion County Roads in Urbanized Areas on Wednesday, March 27, 2013 from 3:00 - 6:30 p.m. at the Public Works building located at 5155 Silverton Road NE, Salem....

I hope to see many of you at the Open House and meet you in person. If you are unable to attend, I still welcome your ideas on what are the biggest needs and challenges facing Marion County's Transportation Network, both urban and rural.
The project website is here.

You can look at draft chapters for the rural strategy or the urban strategy.

Overall, bike recreation and bike transport don't get much attention. Mostly it's about paved shoulders. (It is, for example, difficult and uncomfortable to reach the County shops by bike!)

If you'd like to see the County use asphalt rather than chipseal on important recreational routes, consider commenting or attending the open house.  If you'd like to see better ways to be able at least occasionally to commute from Silverton to Salem by bike, consider commenting.  If you'd like the County to abate the wretchedness of Lancaster, let 'em know!  It's all upside!

Update, Wednesday the 27th

They've added a survey, so that's another way to chime in! 

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