It is also somewhat isolated. It is, in fact, at the city limits and on the edge of the urban growth boundary.
In an area still being developed and distant from most destinations, it has a very low walkscore of 12 on a scale to 100, meaning it is highly "car-dependent." Schools are not also very walkable, either requiring significant travel on roads without sidewalks or requiring crossing busy arterials at intersections uncontrolled by traffic signals and marked crosswalks.
Writing in the Statesman on Saturday about the park, Elida Perez notes
"People were concerned about parking," said Patrick O'Dell, chairman for South Gateway.This concern with charm and with limiting parking suggests the neighborhood might be interested in becoming more walkable.
"They didn't want too much." Residents wanted the area to be a neighborhood park and were concerned that providing too much parking would take away from that charm. Mildred Lane SE will have room for 10 parking spaces.
A sign of its transitional development is the abrupt end to bike lanes and sidewalks.
Mildred is even more baffling.
Mildred Lane is overbuilt and makes no sense for the current amount of development and the kind of development. Fenced and other separated communities dominate, and developments tend to be enclosed enclaves and planned communities.

You can see a new patch of asphalt where the bike lane terminates. It appears that as part of the park development they may have widened the road slightly and will then stripe it with a bike lane.
Anyway, the roads here make no sense. This is a car-dependent, suburban bedroom development that is connected to nothing. No movies, no restaurants, no cleaners, no grocery stores, nothing.

Though the neighborhood is clearly focused on car travel, Lone Oak Park is set up for walking and biking. This is encouraging. The area looks like a good candidate for the new Neighborhood Center Mixed Use zoning. At a crossroads it could use a coffee shop and a neighborhood grocery or deli. It needs a small commercial cluster to walk to - a neighborhood hearth and gathering place. A there there.
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