On Monday the 6th, Safe Routes to School is working with other advocates for a Lobby Day at the Capitol:
Join us on March 6th for Heart at the Capitol to advocate for the heart health of Oregon’s children! The issues we will be advocating for include raising the tobacco purchase age to 21, improving the quality of Physical Education in our schools, and funding for the Safe Routes to School program that helps ensure all Oregon children can safely walk or bike to school. There is no previous advocacy experience necessary. Training will be provided on the issues ahead of time and the morning of the event. The day is sure to be impactful as we meet with our lawmakers to make a difference in the lives of Oregon’s children!It runs 9am to 3pm, and they're asking for an RSVP.
On Tuesday the 7th, there are two events at Broadway Commons.
You may already know about the Winter-Maple Bikeway Open House. It runs from 4pm to 7pm.
In part because of the City's transition to a new website, the project has not created or maintained a public website. So there are no public agenda, minutes, presentations, or other materials. This is unfortunate, and hopefully they will correct this soon. It would be nice to know more about where they are in the process and to be able to read the background/context analyses that have been generated.
Salem City Councilor Sally Cook |
Councilor Sally Cook will headline locally.
From the Town Hall:
In 2017, we have a once in a generation opportunity to put kids and families first. Let's seize this moment and make our roads safe so that every kid can walk, bike, and access transit to school. Join the For Every Kid Coalition for this community event, bring your friends, and find out how!Both events on Tuesday, March 7th, are at Broadway Commons, 1300 Broadway St NE.
Childcare will be provided upon request.
At this event you will learn:
RSVP today!
- What's happening with Safe Routes to School in Salem and Oregon!
- Why City Councilor Sally Cook loves Safe Routes to School and why streets matter for all generations!
- How the For Every Kid Coalition is working to make it safe for every kid to walk, bike, and access transit to school in Salem and Oregon and what you can do to help.
- In a hands-on workshop with elected leaders you will learn to provide public testimony that will make sure that every kid in Oregon has a safe route to school!
Thanks to our event partners: AARP, the Street Trust, Safe Routes to School National Partnership, Alta Planning and Design, Salem Bike Boulevard Advocates, OSU Extension, Just Walk Salem/Keizer, and Salem Bike Club with support from the City of Salem!
The Safe Routes Town Hall is from 4:30 to 6pm, and doors open at 4pm. They're asking for an RSVP.
The Winter Maple Bikeway Open House is from 4pm to 7pm. No RSVP is necessary.
As I understand it, the Town Hall is a little more structured, and the Open House is totally drop-in. It might make sense to visit the Open House at 4, go to the Town Hall, and then return to the Open House at 6.
Here are area Legislators to email if you can't talk to them or their staff in person on the 6th!
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