Want to work with kids and create Salem's first set of Safe Routes to School programming?
Build out Salem's first Safe Routes to School Programming |
Here's your opportunity! The MPO/COG posted the job announcement for the Safe Routes to Schools Coordinator.
This position will be responsible for development, coordination, and implementation of the SRTS program at the Salem-Keizer Public School district....The Coordinator position will be employed by the MWVCOG but will spend much of their time interfacing with school district administrators and school officials (principals, teachers) as well as elementary school students, parents of students and volunteers. Key duties include program development/planning, program administration, grant administration, marketing/outreach, SRTS education and training, SRTS event promotion, volunteer coordination, and program evaluation.
the full notice and link to full job description here. They're specially looking for bilingual English and Spanish speaking applicants. The recruitment closes in a month.
But is there funding for the program and not just the position? If there is inadequate program funding it would not be the first time we have hired someone to try to get something done without the resources to do it.
AFAIK, the funding is only for the staffing and not a budget behind that for a program. Grant application writing will be a significant component in the job. Lots of reliance on volunteers and managing volunteers.
At the moment the School District has been more interested in real estate purchases and then the demolitions for parking lot expansion, rather than funding and budget for non-auto transport.
There's lots of opportunity here, but things are not positioned for maximum success, and there is risk it could be mostly Potemkin show.
Let me help clear things up.... The COG has funding for the position (but its NOT to write grants) and budget for the program. The role of the SRTS Coordinator is to work with elementary schools to educate students on bike and walk safety, encouragement activities to walk and bike to school, audits and Action Plans for the schools and surrounding streets, etc. Each school may have different activities. We will be following the good work of other SRTS programs in Eugene, Springfield, Bend, Beaverton, etc.
Mike Jaffe
COG Transportation Planning Director
That sounds promising! Thanks for the clarification.
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