Saturday, February 20, 2021

City Council, February 16th, Postponed to April 19th

With the ice storm, last Tuesday's formal Work Session on the Airport was postponed to April 19th. 

The url here on last weekend's post also had an extra character in it that rendered it null in some views, and it was all screwed up. So I have deleted that post, re-posted it here, and will revisit the topic in April.

Carbon Dioxide is missing in the Plan

Staff tee it up, saying

The City of Salem Strategic Plan, adopted by City Council in October 2017, identified a goal and an action item under the Priority Area of Economic Development section to create a strategic business plan (Attachment 1) and development strategy for the Salem Municipal Airport (Airport). The Salem Municipal Airport Strategic Business Plan (Business Plan) was completed in 2019. City Council discussion, followed by direction at future meetings, regarding future Airport infrastructure projects, economic development strategies, and current challenges and opportunities is needed to guide development of an Airport master plan update as early as 2022.

The materials here include the 20 page main part of the Business Plan, but the full thing with appendices was 626 pages!

More significantly, the word "carbon" appears only as "carbon dioxide," and there is no discussion of "carbon dioxide" nor any mention of greenhouse gas or climate.

Carbon pricing isn't even identified as a "threat"

There's a strength/weakness and opportunity/threat section, and it doesn't even mention climate.

It does mention rail, and that's just a crappy way to frame it, like better rail is a threat.

Council should think more critically about how we value and invest in the airport facilities. While the land may or may not have more value, we should not have any interest in increasing dangerous carbon and lead pollution by inducing more air travel and air miles. Right now air travel contributes only a small amount to our municipal greenhouse gas emissions, and it would be smart to keep it that way.

via twitter

But it also might be a moment to consider that a new study suggests we undercount emissions, and probably we have underestimated them from the airport also.

Previously see:

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