Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Governor's Executive Order on Climate Leverages ODOT's Transportation Strategy Framework

The Nullifiers got themselves an Executive Order!

On climate Governor Brown yesterday did by fiat what the Legislature should have done by statute. One reporter called it a variation on Cap and Trade, a "Cap and Reduce," since the trading scheme is absent, not something an EO could apparently create.

The Nullifiers sputtered and protested and said lawsuits are a'coming. We will see.

Specifically, to agencies she addressed in the letter of September 23rd of last year, including ODOT and DLCD, she said implementation shall occur "at the highest level."

"at the highest level"
Additionally, from ODOT specifically she called for more EV infrastructure and for "evaluating the GHG emissions implications of transportation projects."

EV infrastructure and GHG emissions project scoring
But nothing on transit or other non-auto mobility. Really it's about the tech-bro gadget green of EVs, and keeping the autoist system undisturbed. ODOT is sure to come up with a way to try to greenwash new capacity and focus on reduced idling only. (See notes on the STS at SKATS and at the OTC.)

In the GHG evaluation element, there's also a path, only latent and potential at the moment, to focus on less driving and fewer VMT. But ODOT is sure to minimize or ignore that path.

In total, I read this as an incremental intensification of what we are already supposed to be doing (but not actually doing), and nothing like a new vision for transportation. Maybe it will help accelerate action at DLCD filtering to the MPOs - for us here, a spur to goad the recalcitrant members of SKATS.

A good step, but much more will be necessary.


It's interesting to see differences on the front pages of the valley dailies.

The Register-Guard used the SJ story

The Oregonian used a smaller photo and placement

The SJ placed it at the top, but no kids, and an unflattering photo

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