Sun! |
So there were lots of other things more interesting than Council agenda this weekend. A slapdash review, therefore! Bullets:
- Reallocating $900,000 in savings from the Keep Salem Moving bond to bridge repairs arising from the January flooding. Apparently there's $3.4M already from projects coming in under budget and projections of another $9M. In addition to funding these emergency repairs of critical infrastructure, the City should fund additional facilities for congestion relief for people who bike and walk!
(From a separate budget (not the bond), and for non-bridge repairs, the City also proposes to fund stormwater repairs.)
- The Bike and Walk Salem Future Report - the bike plan rendered as City Ordinance. Are there any last minute surprises in it? We'll find out!
- Councilor Bennett proposes to expand the geographic boundaries of the parking task force's area of concern.
- Second reading of an ordinance with a clarified definition of "economic promotion" for parking district funds.
- In the administrative purchases, the annual mowing contract for Pioneer Cemetery, which City View services, is $26,000. Since a path connection would likely involve some kind of cooperation between the City and City View, this seemed relevant to note.
- Funding a traffic impact study for the area around I-5, Kuebler/Cordon, and the Mill Creek Corporate park. $36,000 from a slush fund from development fees.
- Expanding the Enterprise Zone offering a 3-5 year abatement of property taxes for new businesses at the Mill Creek center.
- Initiating Eminent Domain proceedings on six parcels necessary for the Swegle/Market Road widening. In several of the instances the difficulties in negotiation are caused by foreclosure and bankruptcy - by direct or indirect consequences of the Great Recession - and, well, it's just a sad reminder.
As a road project, by smoothing and straightening out the curves, it will likely encourage faster speeds - and may not net an actual increase in safety.
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