Sunday, May 29, 2011

Legislative Update - Week 16 - Fallout from a Narrow Session

With another deadline passing we've got a pretty good sense for what might pass in this session. There aren't very many, and they're all pretty narrow.

Bills Specifically about Bicycling

Senate Bill 130 for bicycle traffic lights. Still waiting the Governor's signature.

Senate Bill 415 would expand penalties for harming a vulnerable user of the road. Hearing held, moving to House floor.

Senate Bill 846 calls for an informational sticker on bicycle trailers. Work session carried over; another scheduled.
Tuesday-May 31
Time: 8:00 A.M.
Room: HR E
Relevant to Transportation Generally

House Bill 3149 on personal car-sharing. Work session held, moving to Senate floor.

House Bill 3150 (engrossed B with amendments, original here) would permit local jurisdictions to enact a 20mph speed limit on neighborhood streets. The amendments narrow its scope somewhat, but don't appear to include the 75mph rural limit. It is moving to the Senate floor with a "do-pass" recommendation.

House Bill 3186, co-sponsored by Representative Berger, would eliminate the jobs loophole on the texting and cel phone ban. Here's the amended version. Hearing held; another work session scheduled.
Tuesday-May 31
Time: 8:30 A.M.
Room: 343
See the week 15 update for the list of Dead, Moribund, or Irrelevant Bills.

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