Friday, May 18, 2012

HLC Considers Third Bridge, Prefers Northern Routes

On my way to City Hall for the Historic Landmarks Commission, I was reminded how lousy is the connection from Liberty for people on foot.* There's no sidewalk! Even families have to walk in the middle of the driveway.

The best part of the meeting was that 1/3 of the Commissioners biked! Kurt and Kristi talked about routes and biking in college as they prepared to depart.

Behind them were the massive doors to chambers. I never spend enough time with the bronze panels and doors.  But I kinda like them.  The google doesn't turn up much information on them. 

The meeting itself? Somewhat disappointing. After the cremains memorial design was accepted, most history-minded folks departed, not interested to stick around for the bridge talk.

ODOT historian Sarah said that only two alternatives met Federal requirements at present for moving forward.  This was also mentioned in the paper.  So there's some sense in which the deck is stacked in favor of Alternatives 3 and 4A.

Here are the impacts:

Alternative 3
No direct impacts to any currently NRHP-listed or NRHP-eligible properties would result from the construction of Alternative 3.

Figure 3.7-4 shows the NRHP-listed properties and properties assessed for NRHP eligibility located in the proximity of the Alternative 3 impact area.

Under Alternative 3, the widening of Front Street would take place in the immediate vicinity of 2801 Front Street NE. The project would require neither the acquisition of land from this property nor any physical direct impact to the historic structure. An adverse effect regarding proximity impacts of project construction is not anticipated – this property does not contain frontage landscaping that contributes to the historical significance of the property.
Alternative 4A
No direct impacts to any NRHP-listed properties would result from the construction of Alternative 4A.

Figure 3.7-5 shows the NRHP-listed properties and properties assessed for NRHP eligibility located in the proximity of the Alternative 4A impact area.

Alternative 4A would result in the acquisition of a thin strip of property frontage from the Reynolds House at 2390 Liberty Street NE (approximately 12 square feet). The historic structure would not be physically impacted under Alternative 4A, nor would any physical setting features that contribute to the property’s historical significance be impacted. No Section 106 adverse effect to this property is anticipated.

Alternative 4A would necessitate the acquisition of property along the frontage of the unnamed residence at 1755 Wallace Road NW (approximately 1,210 square feet) associated with the proposed widening of Wallace Road NW. This property site has a very large property frontage with a front grass area that has landscape plantings on the house-side of the fence and bare grass on the street side of the fence. The historic structure would not be physically impacted under Alternative 4A, nor would any landscape plantings or any other physical setting features that contribute to the property’s historical significance be impacted. No Section 106 adverse effect to this property is anticipated.
Chair Ian wasn't very interested in advocating for the "no build" option, and opinion seemed to settle fairly quickly in general favor of these northern alignments as minimally invasive, though the Commission landed on a more general expression of interest and chose not to endorse any of the alternatives specifically.

I worry that the fact that no signature or prominent building is threatened in these two alignments might give the project a pass for some people.

And if the work of Jane Jacobs was instrumental in historic preservation, one might call for the Spirit of Jane to infuse and illuminate the Commission more thoroughly.  As she wrestled with Robert Moses and his highways and plans, she worried about whole neighborhoods, even "blighted" ones, and not just about individual or especially significant buildings. 

So, you know, flowers!  After the meeting, these irises, back-lit in the low evening sun were lovely.

* Whoops! At the library, of course.

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