Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy New Year - Baggage Depot is Almost Done

Hope everyone had a safe and pleasant New Years!

The Baggage Depot isn't quite open, but the new bus loop is
The Baggage Depot at the Train Station isn't quite open yet, but they've removed some of the fencing and are using the paved loop now for both Greyhound and Amtrak buses.

Apparently this started on December 18th - the ill-fated day of the Cascades derailment near Olympia.

Looking through the windows and doors of the Baggage Depot, you can see a mix of old and new. Some weathered old "barn doors" look to be preserved on the inside, able to slide over the apertures of the new doors. By contrast, there's a modern concrete floor it looks like - though I suppose it might be very old and just refinished and smoothed - and most of the furniture and fixtures are modern. It's funny to see a modern pair of drinking fountains in front of the bathrooms. There's no attempt to make the interior look old-timey. But a few vintage accents remain as reminders of its antiquity.

Once it's open, it will be interesting to see!

So that's a hopeful note on which to start 2018.


Salem Breakfast on Bikes said...

ODOT has a flickr page for the project, and the most recent set on page 3 has pictures of the interior in a mostly finished state.

The general project page seems to have been scrubbed in the general reset/refresh of the ODOT website.

Susann Kaltwasser said...

I am pleased that people were able to save this building. It looks like the exterior is close to the way it might have looked at some point...not in the beginning for sure, but maybe in 1919. However, it is clear that the inside is not that much preserved. Maybe they thought it needed to be made more modern for some reason, but I think it is a loss of something special to see all the modern touches.

Thankfully someone took the time to take all the pictures of things. Perhaps there will be displays that will capture some of the former flavor of the original building. My mother grew up in Salem from 1920 to 1969. She had a lot of memories she shared with us as kids about such places and events in old Salem. Kind of feel a connection to the past and to her through things like this.

Salem Breakfast on Bikes said...

Hey, they had a ribbon-cutting today! Here's the notice and an additional newsy article about the restoration. Look's like it is not just informally called "Dixie's Depot," but will be formally named that.

Capi Lynn was tweeting about it, so there will probably be a feature store in the paper in a few days.